Drag & Drop Page Builder
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Modular PIC Boards

We have recently been working with Gloucestershire College to create a set of modular Microchip PIC microcontroller boards to assist them in teaching about C programming and embedded systems. We created a main PIC board, a Communications board and an Analogue sensor board. The main board contains the PIC18F45K50 PIC microcontroller, on board power supply with reverse polarity protection, 3x…

Modular PIC Boards
How to drive a NEMA17 stepper motor with a TMC2208 v3 and an Arduino UNO

How to drive a NEMA17 stepper motor with a TMC2208 v3 and an Arduino UNO

Stepper motors are widely used in various applications, from 3D printers to CNC machines. In this tutorial, we will learn how to drive a NEMA17HS3401 stepper motor using a TMC2208 v3 driver connected to an Arduino Uno. By the end of this guide, you will have the knowledge to have basic control of a stepper motor. But first let take…

How to use a Real Time Clock (RTC) with Arduino

An RTC allows you to add the element of time to your project. It uses a small IC with an oscillator and a rechargeable battery to keep track of time even when your project is powered off or reset. In this tutorial, we will explore how to connect an RTC module to an Arduino, program it and see the time…

How to use a Real Time Clock (RTC) with Arduino

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Vestibulum pulvinar tristique mi id hendrerit. Donec massa diam, semper ac tincidunt eu, feugiat ut enim.

Cras ornare nec tortor eu rhoncus. Fusce gravida velit ac dignissim blandit. Quisque urna purus, dapibus ac blandit nec, congue vel lectus.

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+469 065 654
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